11 Fresh A Hair Shirt


a hair shirt webster dictionary hair shirtHair shirt definition is a shirt made of rough animal hair worn next to the skin as a penance How to use hair shirt in a sentence a shirt made of rough animal hair worn next to the skin as a penance one that irritates like a hair shirt a hair shirt shirtA hair shirt is a shirt made of rough uncomfortable cloth which some religious people used to wear to punish themselves He was sent barefoot wearing only a hair shirt into the wilderness as a penance

shirthair shirt A self imposed punishment or penance as in I apologized a dozen times do you want me to wear a hair shirt forever This term mentioned from the 13th century on alludes to wearing a coarse scratchy hair shirt the practice of religious ascetics Its figurative use dates from the mid 1800s a hair shirt is a hair shirt htm01 11 2018 A hair shirt is a coarse garment intended to be worn next to the skin keeping the wearer in a state of discomfort and constant awareness of the shirt s presence newadvent cathen 07113b htmA garment of rough cloth made from goats hair and worn in the form of a shirt or as a girdle around the loins by way of mortification and penance

hair shirthair shirt 1 An uncomfortable garment made of coarse hair or other material worn against the skin Used in some religious rituals as punishment or penance In ancient times men would wear a hair shirt as a sign of repentance to their deity for wrongs they had done 2 By extension something a person does to intentionally make an aspect of their life a hair shirt newadvent cathen 07113b htmA garment of rough cloth made from goats hair and worn in the form of a shirt or as a girdle around the loins by way of mortification and penance shirthair shirt n A coarse haircloth garment worn next to the skin as an act of religious asceticism or penance hair shirt n 1 Clothing Fashion a shirt made of haircloth worn next to the skin as a penance 2 a secret trouble or affliction hair shirt n a garment of coarse haircloth worn next to the skin as a penance 1350 1400

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